As the series progresses, four major characters - Professor Mitsuyo Gō, Zuhl, General Oka and Professor Hamaguchi - die. The series focuses on the struggle against the Boazanian invaders and the Gō brothers' search for their long-lost father, Kentarō Gō. Voltes V's enemies are the Boazanians led by Prince Heinell (Prince Zardoz), Katharine (Zandra), Jangal (Draco), and Zuhl. Voltes V's home base is Camp Big Falcon, a fortress situated on a bird-shaped island along the coast of Japan. Each machine is piloted by Ken'ichi (Steve), Daijiro (Big Bert), and Hiyoshi (Little Jon): the three sons of Kentaro and Mitsuyo Gō, along with the only daughter of General Oka Megumi (Jamie Robinson), and Ippei Mine (Mark Gordon), an orphan cowboy. Voltes V is a robot composed of five "Volt Machines", and each are themselves formidable weapons. Voltes V was designed by Professor Kentaro Gō (Doctor Ned Armstrong), his wife Professor Mitsuyo Gō (Doctor Mary Ann Armstrong) and their trusted colleague, Professor Hamaguchi (Doctor Richard Smith) and built by large scale construction effort backed by United Nations Earth Defense Force and General Oka (Commander Robinson). The Boazanians first defeat from the hands of Super Electromagnetic Machine Voltes V brings the invaders to focus their attacks on Japan. An armada of horned humanoid aliens known as Boazanians invade earth and launch their "beast fighters" all over the world, defeating most of the world's armed forces.